
How to scrape an online dictionary using Python and lxml library

When I needed to extract dictionary words’ definitions I chose Python and lxml library. In this tutorial, I’ll review the steps of scraping Webster online dictionary using lxml in Python.


How to scrape an online dictionary using Python and lxml library

When I needed to extract dictionary words’ definitions I chose Python and lxml library. In this tutorial, I’ll review the steps of scraping Webster online dictionary using lxml in Python.

Web Scraping Software

XPather Review

A developer often needs to build XPath of a web element. XPather, a FireFox add-on, comes to the rescue. XPather quickly generates XPath of an element, allowing more functionality too.  

Featured Web Scraping Software

OutWit Hub Review

Outwit Hub

OutWit Hub is a software providing simple data extraction without requiring any programming skills or advanced technical knowledge. What impressed me about Outwit Hub is its general approach to data gathering: harvest everything (links, text, images, etc.) and, then, let the user choose what is needed (sift by scrapers). The program is apt to browse over links on pages, so this feature works well if multiple chains web scraping is required.

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