
Map(), lambda() functions for 2-d arrays

Suppose we’ve a following array:

arr = [[ 5.60241616e+02,  1.01946349e+03,  8.61527813e+01],
 [ 4.10969632e+02 , 9.77019409e+02 , -5.34489688e+01],
 [ 6.10031512e+02, 9.10689615e+01, 1.45066095e+02 ]]

How to print it with rounded elements using map() and lamba() functions?

l = list(map(lambda i: list(map(lambda j: round(j, 2), i)), arr))

The result will be the following:

[[560.24, 1019.46, 86.15], 
 [410.97, 977.02, -53.45], 
 [610.03, 91.07, 145.07]]

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