In this post I want to let you how I’ve managed to complete the challenge of scraping a site with Google Apps Script (GAS).

The Challenge
The challenge was to scrape arbitrary sites and save all the site’s pure text (stripping all the html markup) into a single file. Originally I was going to use python and PHP solutions, but then I thought I’d try using Google App Script instead. And it turned out pretty well.
To handle page retrieval I use
//Fetch page for scrape with Google App Script
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
Gathering Internal Links
Before we strip the HTML from a given page, we have to gather all the links from it so we can add them to our crawling links array (using regex). Since we only want to crawl inside the site s boundaries, I limited the matches to internal links only.
Gather links for scrape with Google App Script
var inner_links_arr= [];
var linkRegExp = /href="(.*?)"/gi; // regex expression object
var match = linkRegExp.exec(html);
while (match != null) { // we filter only inner links and not pdf docs
if (match[1].indexOf(\'#\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'http://\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'https://\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'mailto:\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'.pdf\') === -1 )
match = linkRegExp.exec(html);
Strip the HTML
For this purpose we use XMLService library. Xml.parse where the second param is true parses the document as an HTML page. Then we walk through the document (that will be patched up with missing HTML and BODY elements, etc. and turned into a valid XHTML document), turning text nodes into text and expanding all other nodes.
Strip html markup for scrape with Google App Script
function getTextFromHtml(html) {
return getTextFromNode(Xml.parse(html, true).getElement());
function getTextFromNode(x) {
switch(x.toString()) {
case \'XmlText\': return x.toXmlString();
case \'XmlElement\': return x.getNodes().map(getTextFromNode).join(\' \');
default: return \'\';
//Output into the current google docs file
function outputText(url, text){
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var section = body.appendParagraph(\' * \' + url); // set current page url in h2 heading
The Whole Code
Some utility functions I did not mention before, but I think you ll easy catch up with them.
The entire code of scrape with Google App Script
function onOpen() {
DocumentApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
.createMenu(\'New scrape web docs\')
.addItem(\'Enter Url\', \'showPrompt\')
function showPrompt() {
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
var result = ui.prompt(
\'Scrape whole website into text!\',
\'Please enter website url (with http(s)://):\',
// Process the user\'s response.
var button = result.getSelectedButton();
var url = result.getResponseText();
var links=[];
var base_url = url;
if (button == ui.Button.OK) { // User clicked "OK".
ui.alert(\'Your url is not valid.\');
else {
// gather initial links
var inner_links_arr = scrapeAndPaste(url, 1); // first run and clear the document
links = links.concat(inner_links_arr); // append an array to all the links
var new_links=[]; // array for new links
var processed_urls =[url]; // processed links
var link, current;
while (links.length)
link = links.shift(); // get the most left link (inner url)
current = base_url + link;
new_links = scrapeAndPaste(current, 0); // second and consecutive runs we do not clear up the document
//ui.alert(\'Processed... \' + current + \' urned links: \' + new_links.join(\'\\') );
// add new links into links array (stack) if appropriate
for (var i in new_links){
var item = new_links[i];
if (links.indexOf(item) === -1 && processed_urls.indexOf(item) === -1)
/* // alert message for debugging
ui.alert(\'Links in stack: \' + links.join(\' \')
+ \' al links in stack: \' + links.length
+ \' cessed: \' + processed_urls.join(\' \')
+ \' al processed: \' + processed_urls.length);
function scrapeAndPaste(url, clear) {
var text;
try {
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
// some html pre-processing
if (html.indexOf(\'</head>\') !== -1 ){
html = html.split(\'</head>\')[1];
if (html.indexOf(\'</body>\') !== -1 ){ // thus we split the body only
html = html.split(\'</body>\')[0] + \'</body>\';
// fetch inner links
var inner_links_arr= [];
var linkRegExp = /href="(.*?)"/gi; // regex expression object
var match = linkRegExp.exec(html);
while (match != null) {
// matched text: match[0]
if (match[1].indexOf(\'#\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'http\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'https://\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'mailto:\') !== 0
|| match[1].indexOf(\'.pdf\') === -1 ) {
// match start: match.index
// capturing group n: match[n]
match = linkRegExp.exec(html);
text = getTextFromHtml(html);
outputText(url, text, clear); // output text into the current document with given url
return inner_links_arr; //we return all inner links of this doc as array
} catch (e) {
MailApp.sendEmail(Session.getActiveUser().getEmail(), "Scrape error report at "
+ Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
"\\r sage: " + e.message
+ "\\r e: " + e.fileName+ \'.gs\'
+ "\\r page under scrape: " + url
+ "\\r e: " + e.lineNumber);
outputText(url, \'Scrape error for this page cause of malformed html!\', clear);
function getTextFromHtml(html) {
return getTextFromNode(Xml.parse(html, true).getElement());
function getTextFromNode(x) {
switch(x.toString()) {
case \'XmlText\': return x.toXmlString();
case \'XmlElement\': return x.getNodes().map(getTextFromNode).join(\' \');
default: return \'\';
function outputText(url, text, clear){
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
if (clear){
else {
var section = body.appendParagraph(\' * \' + url);
function isValidURL(url){
var RegExp = /^(([\\w]+:)?\\/\\/)?(([\\d\\w]|%[a-fA-f\\d]{2,2})+(:([\\d\\w]|%[a-fA-f\\d]{2,2})+)?@)?([\\d\\w][-\\d\\w]{0,253}[\\d\\w]\\.)+[\\w]{2,4}(:[\\d]+)?(\\/([-+_~.\\d\\w]|%[a-fA-f\\d]{2,2})*)*(\\?(&?([-+_~.\\d\\w]|%[a-fA-f\\d]{2,2})=?)*)?(#([-+_~.\\d\\w]|%[a-fA-f\\d]{2,2})*)?$/;
return true;
return false;
How to automaticlly convert files in Google App Script you might read here.
The script works well, but the google script execution limitation is 6 min, so for huge sites it won t work (stopped after 6 min and no output in google docs file). I plan on improving it to encompass huge sites scrape and you are welcome to contribute your suggestions for that.
24 replies on “Scrape with Google App Script”
Thanks for cool tutorial . I tried to utilize your code to extract all urls in a page( starting http:// and ending .pdf )what linkRegExp should i use? Hope you help me here thanks.
Try something like this:
Thanks for cool tutorial . I tried to utilize your code to extract all urls in a page( starting http:// and ending .pdf )what linkRegExp should i use? Hope you help me here thanks.
Try something like this:
Thanks for reply . I tried that and also tried var linkRegExp = /~http:\/\/.*?\~/gi; and the array is always empty after while loop in scrapeAndPaste function(Logger.log(inner_links_arr);)! I just want to extract all the urls in a page starting with http!
~http:\/\/.*?\.pdf~gi is already ready regex where “~” being the regex’s boundary marker.
You may use this one: /http:\/\/.*?\.pdf/gi where “/” being the regex’s boundary marker.
Thanks for reply . I tried that and also tried var linkRegExp = /~http:\/\/.*?\~/gi; and the array is always empty after while loop in scrapeAndPaste function(Logger.log(inner_links_arr);)! I just want to extract all the urls in a page starting with http!
~http:\/\/.*?\.pdf~gi is already ready regex where “~” being the regex’s boundary marker.
You may use this one: /http:\/\/.*?\.pdf/gi where “/” being the regex’s boundary marker.
For purpose of testing i put the html=””; instead of pointing to a remote website and still the array is empty . i think the code never enters “while (match != null)” which indicates match is always null!
See in the code:
There is the comment in the code we filter only inner links and not pdf docs. So to keep the pdf links in, you must remove the check for .pdf in the if- filter:
&& match[1].indexOf(‘.pdf’) === -1 in order to not filter them off. Have you removed this expression from the code?
For purpose of testing i put the html=””; instead of pointing to a remote website and still the array is empty . i think the code never enters “while (match != null)” which indicates match is always null!
See in the code:
There is the comment in the code we filter only inner links and not pdf docs. So to keep the pdf links in, you must remove the check for .pdf in the if- filter:
&& match[1].indexOf(‘.pdf’) === -1 in order to not filter them off. Have you removed this expression from the code?
i tried the following code and the logger.log(inner_links_arr) still shows [null]. This is the code:
See my code and the link to the working demo (the 3d link is of .html):
shared with you at
i tried the following code and the logger.log(inner_links_arr) still shows [null]. This is the code:
See my code and the link to the working demo (the 3d link is of .html):
shared with you at
Here is the working example of Google scraping script that I write.
It will work like charm without getting block from Google Recaptcha.
Yes I’m using delays and third party proxy servers to get it go without catching by Google bots.
Follow the below link:
Here is the working example of Google scraping script that I write.
It will work like charm without getting block from Google Recaptcha.
Yes I’m using delays and third party proxy servers to get it go without catching by Google bots.
Follow the below link:
How to get the page content within Google Apps Script, when it is loaded by JavaSrcipt/Ajax?
Can you please provide the direct link to your script?
How to get the page content within Google Apps Script, when it is loaded by JavaSrcipt/Ajax?
Can you please provide the direct link to your script?
Try using fetchall. It can grab dozens of links async / simultanously and the limit 6 minutes might not be a problem then
I’m not sure of having understood why we need to meet that many conditions for the inner links ? A link can’t have http && https && mailto in the same time ? Would it be || instead of && ?
pl, you are right. The && in the link check expression must be replaced by || .
@igor, I’m from a non-developer background, And I’m facing an issue with these codes to implement in my Google sheet, Please help me with the email scraper Google app script for Google Sheets.