
Web Scraping with Python + Scrapy (blog series)

This is part 1 of a series dedicated to getting novices started using a simple web scraping framework using python.

Uncategorized’s New Scraping Process and Features

Web scraping Data platform, announced last week that they have secured $3M in funding from investors that include the founders of Yahoo! and MySQL.

They also released a new beta version of the tool that is essentially a better version of their extraction tool, with some new features and a much cleaner and faster user experience.


Scraping software, services and plugins sum up


Since we have already reviewed classic web harvesting software, we want to sum up some other scraping services and crawlers, scrape plugins and other scrape related tools.

Web scraping is a sphere that can be applied to a vast variety of fields, and in turn it can require other technologies to be involved. SEO needs scrape. Proxying is one of the methods which can help you to stay masked while doing much web data extraction. Crawling is another sub-technology indispensable in scrape for unordered information sources. Data refining follows the scrape, so as to deal with the unavoidable inconsistency of harvested data.
In addition, we will consider fast scrape tools, making our life better, and some services and handy scrapers which enable us to obtain freshly extracted data or images.

Web Scraping Software

TheWebMiner, a cloud scraping tool

If you need to quick extract some data from an website and you lack of tech skills of the TheWebMiner’s Get By Sample web tool is a solution for you. Get By Sample works as a cloud web scraper and therefore it may work everywhere, on many devices even tablets and smartphones.

Data Science

Data Journalism Handbook Poster

The poster is composed by Liliana Bounegru and Lulu Pinney shortly says what is in the Data Journalism Handbook. This referrence book shows how journalists can produce  interesting news out of data gathered from the web.


Scraping for Journalists book Review

Scraping for Journalists by Paul Bradshaw is a handy book for non-programmers to master some basic scraping techniques with online scraping tools. For sure, this book does not and cannot embrace all the techniques and problems that arise with the practical scheduled business web extraction; instead, it guides common people through how to get and refine some open data.