
Web scraping with JavaScript

Is it possible to scrape an HTML page with JavaScript from inside of a web browser?

To be perfectly honest I wasn’t sure so I decided to try it out.

Full disclaimer here, I didn’t actually succeed. However, it was a great learning experience for me and I think you guys could benefit from seeing what I did and where I went wrong. Who knows, maybe you can take what I’ve done and figure it out for yourself!


DOM elements number counter and sum up

I wanna provide you with a nice utility for quick summing of multiple DOM element values. Why? Well, suppose you’ve at a page like this and you want to sum up the total number of hotels in all the countries. 


How to parse messy encoded HTML

Let’s suppose you want to extract a price with a currency sign from a web page (eg. £220.00), but its HTML code is this:

<div>cost: &#163;220.00</div>

which is obviously encoded HTML.