Free online web scrapers are a useful tool for gathering information and putting it into useable form. The contents of a given URL can be placed in a spreadsheet and expanded over time into a data-set. With an online web service, collected data can be merged into a new or existing database.
Author: admin
Meet new OutWit Hub 4.0!
Like every year, OutWit just released a major upgrade of its extraction program OutWit Hub. This version brings a number of interesting new features and some of them I’m going to cover in this post.
6 Tips for Using WebDriver with Java
In this article I’ll share with you 6 usefult tips that may help you when you work with Selenium WebDriver in Java.
Here is a real-world example of using Selenium WebDriver for scraping.
This short program is written in Java and scrapes book title and author from the Amazon webstore.
As we already showed you the example of using WebDriver with C#, in this post we will see how to extract web data using Selenium WebDriver with Java, the native language of Selenium WebDriver.
What do lobsters have to do with PHP? It’s simple. CodeLobster PHP Edition is one of the best modern professional instruments for advanced web-developers. It is equally convenient and useful for those who already have become a master or for those who are still learning to be.
In this article I will show you how it is easy to scrape a web site using Selenium WebDriver. I will guide you through a sample project which is written in C# and uses WebDriver in conjunction with the Chrome browser to login on the testing page and scrape the text from the private area of the website.
In the good old days when dial-up internet was almost the only way to the riches of the Web, and most of the people had to pay for every minute they spent on the Internet, offline browsers were very popular. But even today you may find such software useful, especially if you need to access a website from a place with limited internet connection (e.g. plane). In this article I will tell you about a wonderful piece of software called Web2Disk which can pack a website onto a CD for you to take wherever you go.
What is Selenium WebDriver?
If you are interested in browser automation or web application testing you may have already heard of Selenium. Since there is a lot of terminology related to this framework, it is easy for you to get lost, especially if you come to Selenium for the first time. In this article I want to save your day by providing a short and clear explanation of what is what in the Selenium project.
What is Selenium?
Selenium is a web application testing framework that allows you to write tests in many programming languages like Java, C#, Groovy, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and MAC OS.
It is an open-source project, released under the Apache 2.0 license, so you can download and use it without charge.
There are two extreme approaches for building a web scraper: to make it highly flexible and customizable but understandable for IT gurus only or to make it nice, simple and handy but limited in usage. All scraping software developers usually try to find a golden mean between these two approaches. In this article I want to introduce you to a relatively new startup, import•io, which says that anyone can scrape any data regardless of his or her IT skills.