
Web Scraping with Python + Scrapy (blog series)

This is part 1 of a series dedicated to getting novices started using a simple web scraping framework using python.


An Independent Review of RegViz (Regex Online Tester) logoRecently I was asked to look at a brand- new online regex tester,, developed as a collaboration of VISUS, University of Stuttgart and University of Trier. Though there are a lot of regex online testers on the market today, and many of them are quite good, let’s look at what is special about and what it lacks.


Where is NoSQL practically used?

For over four decades now, Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) have dominated the enterprise market. However, the trend seems to change with the introduction of NoSQL databases. In this article, we are going to highlight practical examples where NoSQL systems have been deployed. We will also go further and point out other applications where implementation of such systems might be necessary.


How to change WebDriver’s IP address

I have already written several articles on how to use WebDriver for web scraping, but I have never touched on the topic of changing WebDriver’s IP address. Nevertheless, this topic is quite crucial when you come to web scraping, and here I’d like to show you an example of using proxies with WebDriver in Python (and you can easily convert it into your language API).


What is Cassandra Database?

Cassandra LogoApache Cassandra is a data management system designed and developed to handle huge amounts of data across multiple servers. It is open source, meaning its source code is freely available for anyone to study, modify and use.


What is MongoDB?

MongoDB LogoMongoDB, an open-source document database written in C++, is classified as a NoSQL database. Because it avoids the traditional table-based relational database structure in favor of JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (MongoDB calls the format BSON), it facilitates quick-and-easy data integration in various applications.


What is NoSQL?

nosql-expertThe term “database” was long synonymous with SQL, and for a while there seemed to be no viable alternative. Recently, however, the realm of data storage has welcomed a new option: NoSQL. This article offers you a brief overview of what NoSQL is and when it may be applied.


MongoDB in a minute

MongoDB Logo
Have you ever heard about MongoDB? It’s a document-oriented NoSQL database. Instead of keeping data in familiar SQL-tables MongoDB keeps them as collections of JSON-like documents.

Intrigued? Read this tutorial and you will get a general impression about this database in just a minute.


Free Online JSON Visual Editor

JSONMate is yet another free online JSON visual editor with a modern appearance that allows users to edit, query, and visualize data in JSON format (in case you don’t know, JSON is a human-readable language that is usually used to communicate data between an online web application and a server). Let’s see what is unique about JSONMate.

Development SEO and Growth Hacking

Google Scraper Hints

google_scraperBeing the biggest scraper Google itself doesn’t like when somebody scrapes it. This makes life of google scrapers difficult.

In this post I offer you several hints on how to scrape Google in a safe way (if you still decided to do this).