
Clustering in a Parallel Environment and MapReduce

As we have touched on some basics on Clusters in Data Mining, we want to consider the computation techniques applied for clusters. Those techniques stand in line with the data mining for web traffic analysis.


Using Data Mining in Web Traffic Analysis

This short essay is about data mining methods applied in web traffic analysis and other business intelligence. It also provides a  modern look at data mining in light of the Big Data era.
For a site owner, business blogger or e-commerce entity, there are always some variables of interest concerning web traffic and statistics. How would you predict future values of variables of interest? Variables of interest might include the number of visitors to a target website, the time each visitor spends on the site, and whether or not the visitor reaches the site’s goals. One needs to mention that these web traffic and site performance analyses are not imposed with stringent time constraints. Data mining techniques seek to identify relationships between the variable of interest and the variables in a data sample. There are at least 3 analysis models for data mining that we consider here.


Data, Information, Knowledge: what’s the difference?

Have you ever thought that there is a difference between such terms as “data”, “information” and “knowledge”? Often people mix and misuse them and it’s not a problem in our daily life, but when we come to Data Mining it’s good to distinguish them. Here I’ll try to show the difference in an comprehensible way.



How to monitor phpMyAdmin new release

Recently, a friend of my asked me for a simple free tool to detect new releases of the phpMyAdmin software. Since I recently did some research on website change tracking, I immediately recommended This service is free with basic logging in and primitive interface. The drawback of this service is that its pages load with 20th century delays, but for one-time page adding it’s okay.