
Choosing the Best Proxies for Web Scraping

From eCommerce and market research to competitive analysis and more, web scraping has become an integral part of data collection. And for some, it’s the secret sauce for success.

But with great scraping power comes great responsibility. 

Web scraping can result in IP bans and other harsh restrictions. To avoid these issues, many turn to proxies, which act as intermediaries between your requests and the target website. In this article, we’ll explore the top 3 proxy types for web scraping and focus on the key benefits of each proxy. Let’s go!

Table of contents:

Choosing the right proxy type

When deciding which type of proxy to use for web scraping, it’s crucial to consider your specific needs and the nature of your scraping tasks. 

Here are some factors to keep in mind:

  • Anonymity requirements: If you require a high level of anonymity and want to blend in with real users, residential and mobile proxies are the best choices.
  • Speed and cost: Datacenter proxies are generally more affordable and faster, making them suitable for large-scale, speed-sensitive scraping operations.
  • Target websites: Some websites may specifically block one proxy type or another. Research your target websites to determine which proxy type will work without issues.
  • Geographic needs: If you need to scrape data from specific geographic regions, consider proxies that offer the desired location options.

Besides choosing the right proxy type for your project, we recommend going only with a reputable proxy provider. One of the best examples in the market is Smartproxy, equipped with high-quality proxies, free tools, and over 1K positive reviews on Trustpilot!

1. Residential proxies

Residential proxies are the most reliable and widely used proxies for web scraping. They mimic real residential IP addresses and make it difficult for websites to detect and block them. Websites highly trust these proxies because they are sourced from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and are associated with real users.

Here are the key benefits of residential proxies:

  • Anonymity: Residential proxies provide high anonymity, which makes detecting and blocking your scraping activities challenging for websites.
  • IP rotation: Many residential proxy providers offer IP rotation, meaning your requests will come from different IP addresses, minimizing the chances of getting blocked.
  • Geographic diversity: You can select residential proxies from various locations – this will help access region-specific data or circumvent geo-restrictions. 

But it’s not all rainbows and sunshine with residential proxies. They can be more expensive than other options, and their speeds may vary depending on the location of the IP address.

2. Mobile proxies

Mobile proxies are another excellent choice for web scraping, as they emulate the behavior of smartphone users. These proxies use IP addresses assigned to mobile devices, making them an effective choice for scraping mobile-specific data or bypassing mobile-only restrictions.

Here’s why mobile proxies are worth considering:

  • Mobile user-agent: Mobile proxies employ a mobile user-agent, effectively convincing websites that the requests are coming from smartphones. This is especially valuable when scraping mobile versions of websites or apps.
  • IP rotation: Similar to residential proxies, mobile proxies often offer IP rotation, facilitating your requests from different mobile IPs.
  • Speed and reliability: Mobile proxies generally offer speed and reliability, ensuring your web scraping activities run smoothly.

However, mobile proxies can also have some downsides. They may be more expensive than residential and datacenter proxies and have limitations regarding available locations.

3. Datacenter proxies

Datacenter proxies are a popular choice among web scrapers due to their cost-effectiveness and speed. These proxies are not associated with residential or mobile IP addresses but come from data centers. 

Here’s why datacenter proxies are favored by many:

  • Speed: Datacenter proxies are known for their high-speed connections, making them ideal for large-scale web scraping operations.
  • Availability: There are numerous datacenter proxy providers, so you can easily find many IP addresses from different locations.
  • Cost: Datacenter proxies are often more budget-friendly than residential and mobile ones; therefore, they are a more attractive option for cost-conscious scrapers.

However, datacenter proxies are not without their drawbacks. They cannot mimic real users and are more susceptible to website detection and blocking. Some websites and services specifically block datacenter IPs, which can limit their utility in specific scraping scenarios.


As we’ve explored the top three proxy options for scraping – residential, mobile, and datacenter proxies – it’s clear that each has unique strengths and weaknesses. Consider the pros and cons of these proxy types, and make an informed decision to maximize the effectiveness of your web scraping projects. Moreover, choosing a trusted proxy provider, such as Smartproxy, can further enhance your scraping needs, ensuring you extract data responsibly while maximizing the potential for success.

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