
CodeLobster PHP Edition – modern free PHP IDE

What do lobsters have to do with PHP? It’s simple. CodeLobster PHP Edition is one of the best modern professional instruments for advanced web-developers. It is equally convenient and useful for those who already have become a master or for those who are still learning to be. The modern web stands on four main technologies: HTML, […]

CodeLobster PHP EditionWhat do lobsters have to do with PHP? It’s simple. CodeLobster PHP Edition is one of the best modern professional instruments for advanced web-developers. It is equally convenient and useful for those who already have become a master or for those who are still learning to be.

The modern web stands on four main technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and CodeLobster PHP Edition was developed to deal with them with ease and comfort. It is an IDE, which means that it is not a simple code editor, but a full-featured instrument for creating and maintaining complex projects with hundreds of functions, classes, variables and files. The developers of CodeLobster PHP Edition also use it in their everyday work while developing online stores and web sites with complicated business logic. That is why they are acutely aware of all the needs and features of the product. They are the developers and the users of the IDE at the same time. Because of that, CodeLobster PHP Edition has tons of great, useful features, which increase your speed of work and the quality of the final code:

PHP IDE Main Window

First of all, CodeLobster PHP Edition is the IDE. That is why PHP debugger and parser must be mentioned in the beginning. Debugger executes code gradually, line by line, giving you full control over variables and your code behavior. Parser on the other hand gives you the full picture of your whole project structure, which allows you to easily review all the methods and variables. Of course, as with any advanced coding tool, CodeLobster PHP Edition offers you the autocompletion function, which works well with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP. Autocompletion increases the coding speed and protects from typos and misprints.

Very useful features which provide effortless code analyzing and navigation are: pair tags and braces and quotes highlighting, collapsing and highlighting of code, block selection, browser preview, bookmarks, tooltips, etc. You will always be able to distinguish HTML from PHP within one document because of the different color schemes for each type. Moreover, you can configure color schemes, the list of which includes other popular IDE schemes. Firebug-like HTML/CSS inspector links together different objects of your project and their styles:

HTML inspector

Some near-development features and functions lighten some routine processes. For example, built-in SQL-manager provides you with full CRUD control over your data inside databases. And FTP-manager easily deals with your remote files and folders.

We should also mention the advanced built-in help and reference system, which provides you with valuable and always suitable information. You can access context help at any time by pressing the F1 key after choosing the tag, the function or the attribute you are interested in. Likewise, if you click the mouse on any function or link with CTRL pressed, you will see its description or corresponding file.

And last, but not least, we must name all the frameworks and CMSs, which are supported by the CodeLobster. They are: CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii, Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Smarty and JQuery.

The basic functionality of CodeLobster PHP Edition is free, but some additional plug-ins are available for a small extra charge.

While using CodeLobster PHP Edition you will become a more and more professional web developer day by day!

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