
A Simple Code that Extracts a Hotel List from

In this post I will show you how easy it is to write a Python code that extracts hotel list from The simplicity of this code is achieved with the help of Selenium Web Driver which acts as the main data extraction means here.


OutWit Hub Review

OutWit Hub is a software providing simple data extraction without requiring any programming skills or advanced technical knowledge. What impressed me about Outwit Hub is its general approach to data gathering: harvest everything (links, text, images, etc.) and, then, let the user choose what is needed (sift by scrapers). The program is apt to browse over links on pages, so this feature works well if multiple chains web scraping is required. UPDATE: OutWit Hub 4.0 is released!


Scraping with Magic – The Future?

Over the last one or two years there has been a lot of maturing in the area of visual Web Scrapers. New companies like ParseHub, ScrapingHub and Kimono are bringing new tools to the market, while industry veterans like Outwithub, visual web ripper and Mozenda continue to update their great tooling to annotate/train scrapers and extract web data.

Interestingly, something has changed now. has created a new tool which is a little bit different on the surface, and having spoken to them, a LOT different under the hood.


Web Scraping with Python + Scrapy (blog series)

This is part 1 of a series dedicated to getting novices started using a simple web scraping framework using python.

Uncategorized’s New Scraping Process and Features

Web scraping Data platform, announced last week that they have secured $3M in funding from investors that include the founders of Yahoo! and MySQL.

They also released a new beta version of the tool that is essentially a better version of their extraction tool, with some new features and a much cleaner and faster user experience.

Web Scraping Software

Using ProxyMesh with Visual Web Ripper

ProxyMesh is another rotating anonymous proxy server service that lets users stay anonymous with the help of a network of continuously rotated IP proxy servers. This service requires no software to be downloaded but it can be easily used in conjunction with Visual Web Ripper software.

Web Scraping Software Enter the Enterprise DaaS Market Enterprise
Recently, (a free scraping online tool) announced that they are adding another way to get data from the web: they’ll build it for you. This new “Data as a Service” program is targeted at businesses and organizations who need data, but don’t have the time or resources to devote to using the tool to build it themselves. For these clients, import will curate custom datasets based on their specific requirements as well as develop custom data implementation solutions based on the organization’s in-house software.


My Experience in Choosing a Web Scraping Service

 Recently I decided to outsource a web scraping project to another company. I typed “web scraping service” in Google, chose six services from the first two search result pages and sent the project specifications to all of them to get quotes. Eventually I decided to go another way and did not order the services, but my experience may be useful for others who want to entrust web scraping jobs to third party services.


An Independent Review of RegViz (Regex Online Tester) logoRecently I was asked to look at a brand- new online regex tester,, developed as a collaboration of VISUS, University of Stuttgart and University of Trier. Though there are a lot of regex online testers on the market today, and many of them are quite good, let’s look at what is special about and what it lacks.


Where is NoSQL practically used?

For over four decades now, Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) have dominated the enterprise market. However, the trend seems to change with the introduction of NoSQL databases. In this article, we are going to highlight practical examples where NoSQL systems have been deployed. We will also go further and point out other applications where implementation of such systems might be necessary.