Web Scraping Software

Web Scraper Shortcode Plugin Issue

Since we’ve reviewed the Web Scraper Shortcode, we consider now some issues with this Word Press plugin. It is the Word Press plugin for extracting a web page or a part of it and inserting it into a custom Word Press driven page.


Google Application Engine Review

Google Application Engine (GAE) is a cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers.

SEO and Growth Hacking

Google Trends Review

Google Trends Review Google Trends, one of several free Google services for analytics, is one that renders search keyword interest trends over time. It is applicable for market research, analytics, and web surfer behavior tracking.

SEO and Growth Hacking

Google Search Terms Popularity Research

Google Trends Review In the previous post we reviewed the Google search terms analytic tool, called Google Trends. Here we present an example of how to apply this free tool for acquiring the trends and comparing the various terms.


Scraping software, services and plugins sum up


Since we have already reviewed classic web harvesting software, we want to sum up some other scraping services and crawlers, scrape plugins and other scrape related tools.

Web scraping is a sphere that can be applied to a vast variety of fields, and in turn it can require other technologies to be involved. SEO needs scrape. Proxying is one of the methods which can help you to stay masked while doing much web data extraction. Crawling is another sub-technology indispensable in scrape for unordered information sources. Data refining follows the scrape, so as to deal with the unavoidable inconsistency of harvested data.
In addition, we will consider fast scrape tools, making our life better, and some services and handy scrapers which enable us to obtain freshly extracted data or images.

SEO and Growth Hacking

Google services for Business Analytics

Since I’ve now completed the series on website analytics and data analysis, I want to sum up these posts, most of them pertaining to analytics performed with Google spread computing.

Web Scraping Software

HTTP Scoop Web Sniffer Review

The HTTP Scoop sniffer by Tuffcode is a Mac OS web sniffer doing multiple HTTP watches. This tools stands in a row of other HTTP protocol sniffing tools.

Web Scraping Software

Inductor and Condencer Types Web Sniffers

This post is on the distinctions between specific web sniffers: those of induction nature, and those of condenser or proxy nature.

Web Scraping Software

CharlesProxy HTTP Sniffer Review

The Charlesproxy website sniffer is the subject of this post. This sniffing/monitoring application works with Windows, Mac and Linux OS. It rather differs from other web traffic sniffing tools.


My Linux Tips

I created this post just to have a place where to keep all those linux things I always forget 😉 Hope you’ll find it useful for you as well.