SEO and Growth Hacking

Strategies on how to protect your data from cyber theft

Cyber-attacks are becoming a real threat to businesses both small and large. The damage they bring into people’s lives is more severe than people presume. In 2019, hundreds of billions of dollars went  down this tunnel, and the crime is yet to stop. With the evolvement of threat landscapes, attacks are becoming more and more […]


Cyber-attacks are becoming a real threat to businesses both small and large. The damage they bring into people’s lives is more severe than people presume. In 2019, hundreds of billions of dollars went  down this tunnel, and the crime is yet to stop. With the evolvement of threat landscapes, attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated. It has also become clear that big companies need to understand that they cannot be 100% secure from such breaches. The real question is, if hackers manage to attack the big companies, how long would it take them to steal your data? The only way to handle this menace is if you understand these basic security strategies and implement them.

1. Secure your hardware

Nowadays, a lot of people want to acquire the newest and the most sophisticated hardware. In most instances, the majority of us overlook the security of these devices either through loss or theft. Your first strategy should always be setting up a very complicated password that is only stored in one’s memory and not on a piece of paper that is accessible to other people. The other way to handle theft is by attaching your computers to your desks. This will make it difficult for intruders to walk away with them easily. Lastly, ensure that you install a ‘find my device’ app on all your computers or phones to make it easier for authorities to locate your devices in case they are stolen. An example is the Prey application that guards phones, laptops, tablets, and their data.

2. Encrypt and backup data

An effective cyber-crime protection strategy should be one in which you prevent physical access to your hardware, and in case they do achieve access, you find ways to render that data useless if it falls into their hands. This means that data encryption remains one of the most effective ways to protect your data when data breaches do occur. For this reason, ensure that your sensitive data such as business, employee, and customer information is well encrypted and backed up in [MySQL] database from laravel forge backups for easier access. It is very easy since there is full-disk encryption software available in your operating system to take care of your data.

3. Create a secure workplace

In instances where you operate a small business, there is a likelihood that you have employees who, in one way or another, come in contact with your data. Most of these employees are not aware of external attacks that may occur if their daily activities expose the company to some vulnerability. The only way to handle this is to educate your staff through adequate training programs on security. This works well if employees are taught ways to access their devices and those of the business as well.

The next step is avoid unsecured websites. These websites give the hackers direct access to your sensitive data stored in the device, which provides access to browser history, and passwords as well. Such instances occur when hackers compromise all your ISPs and DNS servers and in turn redirect them to their own websites where they implement the hacking process. In many instances, it is hard to tell that your DNS has been hacked and, therefore, leaves you unsuspicious of any events. In addition to this, you should avoid sharing passwords with new hires or contractors, since it may expose you to threats of cyber-crimes.

4. Use anti-malware and firewall software

Most cyber-attacks happen after a malware infection. For you to counter this, you have to have software that protects you from Ransomware and other types of malware. Anti-virus tools are vital to your devices since they help detect external inhibitors. Unfortunately, Ransomware works quietly in the background and only shows up when it’s too late to save your data. For this reason, you are advised to invest in software that is specifically designed to handle these kinds of problems.


Protecting your data from cyber threats is something that businesses and individuals should not take for granted. Using the above strategies, there is no reason why your personal data should fall into the hands of malicious individuals.

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