
Death By Captcha new feature Recaptcha v3 support

dbc-logo1After a great deal of work, the Death By Captcha developers have finally released their new feature to the world – new Recaptcha v3 Support.

As you may already know, the Recaptcha v3 API is quite similar in many ways to the previous one used to manage tokens (Recaptcha v2). In Recaptcha v3, the system evaluates or scores each user to determine if it’s bot or human, then it uses the score value to decide if it will accept or not the requests from said user. Lower scores are identified as bots. Check this link to verify the API documentation and download client based sample codes.

With very competitive pricing, Death By Captcha is at the cutting edge of solving tools in the market. Check it out –  you can receive free credit for testing from this LINK; ping the service with the promo code below to receive your captchas.

Use the promo code “Scrapepro” and you’ll get 3k Captchas credit for free.

P. S. See the ReCaptcha v2 test results.

Web Scraping Software

The present trends in web scraping tools


Recently I got a question from one of the blog readers. After I replied to it, I decided to share it with a wider audience.


I found your [web] site and found it very helpful, then realized the web scraper solutions rating was from 2014.  What is the best solution for today?   I have lots of sites I need to scrape, mainly search then drill-down sites.   I would like to be able to schedule the scraping to run on a daily basis.  Is there a direction you could point me?  I’m a seasoned developer by trade but am seeing all these point and click solutions (e.g. and am wondering if I should stick with Node.JS or .NET or if I should investigate some of these GUI scrapers of today.

Node.js, Puppeteer, Apify for Web Scraping (Xing scrape) – part 2

In the post we share the practical implementation (code) of the Xing companies scrape project using Node.js, Puppeteer and the Apify library. The first post, describing the project objectives, algorithm and results, is available here.

The scrape algorithm you can look at here.


Huge JSON files view and search tool with excellent performance

Dadroit JSON Viewer LogoThe results of scraping activities are most often stored as json data, the latter having many advantages over .xml or .csv formats. Recently in one of my projects, I had to deal with JSON files of over 6Mb. Even though I managed them in Notepad++, still the proper search and count could have been better.