SEO and Growth Hacking

Google Correlate for web traffic analysis

Both my partner and I were asking: what factors influence website traffic? How does one find any correlations in business intelligence related to organic searches? This post was born out of my attempt to join together both traffic data from the business blog (data source being Google Analytics) and real organic queries done in Google, in order to get some insight into which items my traffic correlates with, in specific how these items ( i.e. those which people are searching for) might have influenced website traffic.  

Web Scraping Software

Pinterest Categories List Scrape

This table is what I’ve scraped in 1 min from to access all the categories and the links to corresponding Pinterest pages.

Data Mining

Research Data Analysis of Web Traffic

I want to share on the research which was done by some Estonian students concerning web traffic analysis. The case study they undertook is about mining frequent user access patterns from web log files. The primary objective was to discover the most frequent browsing patterns by analyzing the browsing sessions in logs.

Data Mining

Using Data Mining in Web Traffic Analysis

This short essay is about data mining methods applied in web traffic analysis and other business intelligence. It also provides a  modern look at data mining in light of the Big Data era.

SEO and Growth Hacking

Google Webmaster Tools to have more insight into site content and web traffic

The content war is currently waging on the web. What particular keywords bring organic traffic to my site? Where is my website positioned in the users’ organic search using these keywords? How does my page get top ranked? These concerns are relevant to many site owners and business bloggers. This topic is to help you to master Google Webmaster Tools (Search console) as the means to see how your page content performs before the click.

SEO and Growth Hacking

4 Usable Tools for Business Intelligence with Google Analytics

Analytics. Google. Social networks. Marketing campaign. Business Intelligence. It takes strong nerves to deal with all this in the vibrant, growing web business. The first thing necessary is to be real-time aware of what happens within an enterprise. Here I have chosen as notable some of the most usable tools for helping to monitor, visualize and compare analytics’ data.

Data Mining

The stat visualization that makes sense

As I was searching for data mining and data visualization tools I came across the data visualization website Gapminder by Hans Rosling, the professor of Global Health in Karolinska Institute, Sweden. The website presents over a century of statistic data in visual form in graphs, the data being UN and other world organizations out-sourced.

The professor has done an extensive work with plenty of data sources for this data visualizer, and his efforts are notable.

Web Scraping Software

TheWebMiner, a cloud scraping tool

If you need to quick extract some data from an website and you lack of tech skills of the TheWebMiner’s Get By Sample web tool is a solution for you. Get By Sample works as a cloud web scraper and therefore it may work everywhere, on many devices even tablets and smartphones.

Data Mining

Data Journalism Handbook Poster

The poster is composed by Liliana Bounegru and Lulu Pinney shortly says what is in the Data Journalism Handbook. This referrence book shows how journalists can produce  interesting news out of data gathered from the web.

SEO and Growth Hacking

OutWit: Scrape search results for SEO Audit

In this video, Dale Stokdyk, explains how to scrape Search Engine Results using OutWit Hub with custom scraper.