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Death By Captcha now supporting recaptcha v2

The Death By Captcha developers have just released a beta of their shiny new NoCAPTCHA by token (reCaptcha v2) solving method! They have been working on this for a while, and they promise the solution will soon be the solving reference for these challenges. Details for implementation can be found here (requires login and DBC credits). […]

deathbycaptchaThe Death By Captcha developers have just released a beta of their shiny new NoCAPTCHA by token (reCaptcha v2) solving method!
They have been working on this for a while, and they promise the solution will soon be the solving reference for these challenges.

Details for implementation can be found here (requires login and DBC credits). However, with a promo code (below in the blue box)  you don’t need to deposit money to see the details. Ping the service with the promo code, and you’ll get 3K free images 🙂 . These you can use to see API details or test the service.
[box style=’blue info’] visitors get an exclusive deal – contact DBC support (here) and enter the promo code “SCRPROTOKEN” to get 3K (free) testing credits![/box]

P.S. The success of the solving method strongly depends on the quality of proxies you use, so it’s recommended to use good ones! See a post on rotating proxies.

3 replies on “Death By Captcha now supporting recaptcha v2”

I connected to the new API back when they released it but saw this and managed to get extra freebies :p thnx for posting

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