has put out a new October 2016 release. It includes the following feature improvements:
Manage step types in robot builder
For each available step type, you now get all relevant information along with the step type. Help texts and pictures are included for all of them!

Now in each step you don’t need to fumble around to define a new step type. Just click on the Type input field and a comprehensive step types list with examples at the right will be prompted.
This means that in most cases you don’t need to leave the robot editor to get the help you need!
Addons has completely changed and re-organized the functionality you can use in robots and run configurations (integrations). In the new Addons section you can get an overview of all available addons, filter them by category (eg. Extractors, Pipes, Social media, Integrations, etc.), add them to your account and manage them inside of your account.
In my experience this new addon outlook has greatly enhanced the service usabity, providing more bird’s eye view to the service recources and functionality.
Convenient saving and sharing robots
With the new import/export functionality you can save your robots to files and later import those files (having a robot extension). This allows you to backup robots or to share a robot, e. g. by attaching a downloaded robot to an email.
Some more new features:
Timetables now take Time Zones into account
The time zone specified on your account is now used by timetables.
Result Lists Stabilized
When looking at a list of result rows, the list would flicker. This has now been fixed, allowing you to browse smoothly the result rows without being interrupted by flickering every few seconds.
Tag Name Normalization
With this release, tag names no longer allow non-alphanumeric characters except “_” and “-“. The change was made because all other non-alphanumeric characters were causing unwanted behaviors.
Pagination Improvements
All pagination issues have now been fixed. Pagination no longer jumps from page to page when table contents are refreshed.