Challenge Development

Scrape CloudFlare life hack

When accessing any CloudFlare protected page Cloudflare’s Turnstile process begins. This system, which serves as an alternative to traditional CAPTCHAs, helps determine whether the user is human or a bot. Upon opening the page in an Incognito Mode, the user encounters a waiting room after successfully solving the Turnstile challenge.

Challenge Development

Node.js & Privacy Pass application for Cloudflare scrape solution

Over 7.59 million of websites use Cloudflare protection, 26% of
them are among the top 100K website worldwide. As Cloudflare
establishes itself as the norm regarding service protection, chances are, the site you want to scrape is more likely to use it than not.

When it comes to scrapping websites, captchas and other type of
protections were always the main obstacle in providing reliable data collection solutions. And most often this would lead to consider bypass services which aren’t always free.

Challenge Development

Discord Bot to detect on-site anti-scrape & scrape-proof tools

Today, I’ll share of a Dicord server 1 and server 2 that accomodate a bot able to detect multiple modern scrape-protection and scrape-detection means. The server’s channels with the bot are #antibot-test and #antibot-scan respectively


Bot protected websites

We share here some bot-protected sites.

Challenge SaaS

Web Scraper IDE to scrape tough websites

Recently we encountered a new powerful scraping service called Web Scraper IDE [of Bright Data]. The life-test and thorough drill-in are coming soon. Yet now we want to highlight its main features that has badly (in positive sense, strongly) impressed us.

Challenge Development

CloudFlare – a limited feature anti-content-duplicate tool

Here we come to the next anti-scrape tool, called CloudFlare, former ScrapeShield.


The CloudFlare app has been developed by CloudFlare to guard a site’s content. Its features are limited number, but it’s still an interesting tool to look at for anyone interested in web scraping.