
 reCaptcha solving by 2Captcha service in Puppeteer & Selenium

The 2Captcha service has developed practical guides for solving reCaptcha in Puppeteer and Selenium using grid method. See the repos below:


Test ReCaptcha 2.0 solving services

We’ve tested several captcha solving services. The test results are based on 1000 ReCaptchas 2.0 submitted to each service.


Is there any way to skip CAPTCHA?

JavaScript powered CAPTCHA

Most of the answers to the question in internet forums are given by services that automatically solve captchas. They provide services to solve CAPTCHA rather than to fully skip it.


Death By Captcha new feature Recaptcha v3 support

dbc-logo1After a great deal of work, the Death By Captcha developers have finally released their new feature to the world – new Recaptcha v3 Support.

As you may already know, the Recaptcha v3 API is quite similar in many ways to the previous one used to manage tokens (Recaptcha v2). In Recaptcha v3, the system evaluates or scores each user to determine if it’s bot or human, then it uses the score value to decide if it will accept or not the requests from said user. Lower scores are identified as bots. Check this link to verify the API documentation and download client based sample codes.

With very competitive pricing, Death By Captcha is at the cutting edge of solving tools in the market. Check it out –  you can receive free credit for testing from this LINK; ping the service with the promo code below to receive your captchas.

Use the promo code “Scrapepro” and you’ll get 3k Captchas credit for free.

P. S. See the ReCaptcha v2 test results.

Development Guest posting

Captcha solving with Java and why you should avoid it

In this blog post we are going to show how you can solve [Re]captcha with Java and some third party APIs, and why you should probably avoid them in the first place.
For the Python code (+ captcha API) see that post.

The post author is Kevin Sahin from

Captcha solving

“Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart” is what captcha stands for. Captchas are used to prevent bots from accessing and performing actions on websites or applications.

The last one is the most used captcha mechanism, Google ReCaptcha v2. That’s why we are going to see how to “break” these captchas.


Is there any way to skip CAPTCHA?


Is there a way to skip CAPTCHA?

Development Guest posting

CaptchaSolutions test results for ReCaptcha v2.0

captchasolutionsRecently we executed the service testing. provides an automated online captcha solver API service (the name speaks for itself). It also includes solving google reCaptcha 2.0. So we decided to test it against this challenging captcha.

If you want to compare the other services’ solving reCaptcha 2.0 test results, then please refer to this post

New reCaptcha testing-ground

We want to share with our readers about a new testing-ground with reCaptcha v2.0. Since we do R&D of how to solve reCaptcha by web scripts and by captcha breaking services, it’s vital to have a reCaptcha testing ground.

This testing ground is designed according to the How to insert and configure reCaptcha post.


How to insert reCaptcha, video

The following video shows how to insert reCaptcha v2.0 into a php-driven website.

Thanks to the Webucator for PHP training supplied. Read the original post with the php code.


How to insert and configure reCAPTCHA v2 code in php

We’ve already introduced you to the theory behind the new NO CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA v2, but now we come to the practical integration part. Here we’ll share how to insert and configure “NO CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA” into a web page.