Web Scraping Software

WebSundew Data Extractor Review

WebSundew Screen Scraper

WebSundew is a visual scraping tool that works for structured data extraction. This screen scraper is designed for high productivity and speed data ripping. The Enterprise edition allows the scrape to run at a remote Server and publish extracted data through FTP.

Web Scraping Software

Easy Web Extract Review

Easy Web Extract is visual screen scraper for extracting data for business purposes. This data extractor rips desired web content (text, url, image, html) from webpages with minimum effort. Customize data export formats with its HTTP submit form, a unique feature of this screen scraper.

Web Scraping Software

WebHarvy Data Extractor

WebHarvy Data Extractor is a lightweight, visual, point-to-click web scrape tool. It won’t be long before you become masterful at the generally tedious task of data extraction.

Web Scraping Software

Web Data Extractor Review

Web Data Extractor is a web scraping tool specifically designed for mass-gathering of various data types. The software can harvest URLs, phone and fax numbers, email addresses, as well as meta tag information and body text.


Review Web Scraping Software

Mozenda Review

The main difference of the screen scraper software by Mozenda from other scrapers is that it runs your scraping projects (Agents) in clouds. Firstly, you build a project locally using a Windows application and then you execute it on the server.