
Search queries in a search engine for scraping

Recently I’ve got a note with the question on search engine queries through the web scraping software.

“I’m looking for a scraper program that can initiate search queries in a search engine automatically, using proxies would be an added benefit if possible.”  – Mike
Development Miscellaneous Connector-GUIDs, User-GUIDs, API keys and how to get them?

Suppose I run a query to API:

$url = "" . $connectorGuid . "/_query?_user=" . urlencode($userGuid) . "&_apikey=" . urlencode($apiKey);

“HI there can you please tell me that what are connector-guid, user-guid and api key in below given code and how to get them for any website?”

I came across this question on StackOverflow, and as an avid user I thought I’d answer it here as well, in case any of you have the same issue. 

Guest posting

EndCaptcha for fast CAPTCHA solving

endcaptchaFrom time to time, web users struggle with “CAPTCHA services” such as DeCaptcher and DBC. And although those services are reliable, often times they’re “overloaded”, meaning the images to be solved get rejected or it takes a lot of time to be decoded (some services might even take 50 seconds to solve a single image!).

But, I recently came across a new service that hopes to fill this (fast CAPTCHA solving) gap., is a new image digitization service that was built to satisfy the needs of the most demanding consumers. It uses a dedicated team of operators assisted by a smart OCR system. That’s why it’s being considered a Premium CAPTCHA service. 


Search queries in a search engine for scraping

search engine queriesRecently I’ve got a note with the question on search engine queries through the web scraping software.

“I’m looking for a scraper program that can initiate search queries in a search engine automatically, using proxies would be an added benefit if possible.”  – Mike