Development Guest posting Web Scraping Software

Octoparse Alternatives

Let me tell you what you already know! Octoparse is a great web scraping tool! But like every great tool, it’s got its limitations. At times, you may wonder if there are any alternatives to Octoparse. We wondered the same and put together this blog to provide you a short list of Octoparse alternatives along with their features and distinguishing factors. Let’s get started!


What information do internet services collect about users?

we use your personal data so we can provide the best service, tell you about products and services you may be interested in…

These or similar statements are often “tiny printed” at most of modern sites as part of Terms of Service (ToS). Below we share with you what particular data are collected from web users or app users.


Selenium Web Scraping in simple words

Question: What is Selenium web scraping?

Answer: A picture is better than 1000 words:selenium main diagram

So, you make a program with Python, PHP, JAVA, Ruby and whatever language you use in order to browse(), select(), click(), submit(), save(), etc.,  target web pages.


Linkedin scrape guide lines

The LinkedIn crawl success rate is low; one request that a bot makes might require several retries to be successful. So, here we share the crucial Linkedin scraping guide lines.

  1. Rate limit
    Limit the crawling rate for LinkedIn. The acceptable approximate frequency is: 1 request every second, 60 requests per minute.
  2. Public pages only
    LinkedIn allows for bots only public pages; pages that are private cannot be crawled.