Data Mining

Linear models, Sklearn.linear_model, Regression

In this post we’ll show how to build regression linear models using the sklearn.linear.model module.

See also the post on classification linear models using the sklearn.linear.model module.

The code as an IPython notebook

from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
from sklearn import model_selection, datasets, linear_model, metrics
import numpy as np

%pylab inline

Linear regression models

Data generation

We build a dataset with 2 features: one is informative and the other is redundant. Besides, when adding coef=True we ask to return us also the approximation function coefficients into the coef array.

data, target, coef = datasets.make_regression\
	(n_features = 2, n_informative = 1, n_targets = 1, 
         noise = 5., coef = True, random_state = 2)
print("Coefficients:" , coef, "intercept:" , linear_regressor.intercept_)
Coefficients: [38.07925 0.000] intercept: -0.130524679653
We plot the target, y, dependence of features: x1, x2.
pylab.scatter(data[:,0], target, color = r)
pylab.scatter(data[:,1], target, color = b)
  • Red dots: y = f(x1)
  • Blue dots: y = f(x2)
Based on the above plot one can find out which of 2 features is informative (red one).

Let’s build a model and view its coefficients.

We split data for train and test sets.

train_data, test_data, train_labels, test_labels = \
 model_selection.train_test_split(data, target, test_size = 0.3)

LinearRegression over the train data

We build a linear regressor model (L2 regularization) based on the given dataset. Later we’ll evaluate the model using cross-validation.
  # build a model
linear_regressor = linear_model.LinearRegression() 
  # train the model, train_labels)  
  # get the model predictions 
predictions = linear_regressor.predict(test_data)  
# original labels
[ -76.75213382   34.35183007  -11.18242389  -61.47026695   44.66274342
  -13.26392817   18.17188553   25.7124082   -19.16792315  101.14760598
 -105.77758163   23.87701013   12.42286854  -18.57607726   21.20540389
   38.36241814  -45.38589148   29.8208999   -84.32102748    0.34799656
   11.96165156   39.70663436   41.95683853  -10.06708677  -63.4056294
  -16.30914909  -45.27502383  -57.46293828   28.15553021  -17.27897399]
# predicted labels on the test objects
[ -68.31690488   38.87063362  -12.62644748  -55.97354269   50.53828408
  -15.92863777   18.48923956   28.00480498  -10.77148765   95.936183
 -100.85245811   31.5152017     6.88671402  -24.57940803   16.71365889
   41.26798296  -43.31634025   31.48688292  -80.45697523   -1.51872908
   13.95215963   37.61637807   43.5105848    -9.47060759  -59.39279793
  -11.74032551  -47.34651564  -53.9339432    22.64507627  -13.03856029]

Let’s count MAE of those original dataset labels to the predicted labels.

metrics.mean_absolute_error(test_labels, predictions)

We use cross_val_score() to evaluate our linear regressor, the regressor evaluation will be more precise.

·Scoring is MAE (scoring = neg_mean_absolute_error).

·We cross-validate the data using 10 folds (cv = 10).

linear_scoring = model_selection.cross_val_score\
	(linear_regressor, data, target, scoring = neg_mean_absolute_error,  cv = 10)
print(mean: {}, std: {}.format(linear_scoring.mean(), linear_scoring.std()))
mean: -4.070071498779695, std: 1.0737104492890204

We create now our own scorer with parameter greater_is_better.
scorer = metrics.make_scorer(metrics.mean_absolute_error, greater_is_better = True)
And now we evaluate the model, linear_regressor.
linear_scoring = model_selection.cross_val_score\
	(linear_regressor, data, target, scoring=scorer,  cv = 10)
print(mean: {}, std: {}.format(linear_scoring.mean(), linear_scoring.std()))
mean: 4.070071498779695, std: 1.0737104492890204

Let’s take a look at the coefficients of the inbuilt dataset. We’ve got them from the make_regression() function.

array([38.07925837, 0.0])

The coefficients of the model built with LinearRegression():
array([37.86162519, 0.33738658])
In the regression model there is also the intercept.

Now we may compose the equations with the found weights or coefficients.
print("Original function equation\n\
y = {:.2f} + {:.2f}*x1 + {:.2f}*x2".format(linear_regressor.intercept_, coef[0], coef[1]))
Original function equation
y = -0.13 + 38.08*x1 + 0.00*x2
print("Trained function equation\n\
y = {:.2f}*x1 + {:.2f}*x2 ".\
Trained function equation
y = 37.86*x1 + 0.34*x2 

Lasso regularizator or L1 for the Linear Regression

Now we build the regression model based on Lasso regression, L1 regularization.
  # build a model
lasso_regressor = linear_model.Lasso(random_state = 3) 
  # train the model with the train set, train_labels) 
  # get predictions using the test set
lasso_predictions = lasso_regressor.predict(test_data) 

We evaluate the model quality by cross-validation. We’ll use the same scorer as we did before.

lasso_scoring = model_selection.cross_val_score(lasso_regressor, data, target, scoring = scorer, cv = 10)
print(mean: {}, std: {}.format(lasso_scoring.mean(), lasso_scoring.std()))
mean: 4.154478246666398, std: 1.0170354384993354

We see that std has decreased comparing to L2 regularizator.
std: 1.0737104492890204

[37.0580843 0.0000]
And the model approximation function equations:
print("Original function equation\n\
y = {:.2f} + {:.2f}*x1 + {:.3f}*x2".format(linear_regressor.intercept_, coef[0], coef[1]))
Original function equation
y = -0.13 + 38.08*x1 + 0.000*x2
print("Trained Lasso function equation\n\
y = {:.2f}*x1 + {:.4f}*x2".format(lasso_regressor.coef_[0], lasso_regressor.coef_[1]))
Trained Lasso function equation
y = 37.06*x1 + 0.0*x2

The advantage of L1 (Lasso) regularization is that we got the weight of 0.0 value before the non-informative/redundant feature.

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