
Selenium Web Scraping in simple words

Question: What is Selenium web scraping?

Answer: A picture is better than 1000 words:selenium main diagram

So, you make a program with Python, PHP, JAVA, Ruby and whatever language you use in order to browse(), select(), click(), submit(), save(), etc.,  target web pages.


Linkedin scrape guide lines

The LinkedIn crawl success rate is low; one request that a bot makes might require several retries to be successful. So, here we share the crucial Linkedin scraping guide lines.

  1. Rate limit
    Limit the crawling rate for LinkedIn. The acceptable approximate frequency is: 1 request every second, 60 requests per minute.
  2. Public pages only
    LinkedIn allows for bots only public pages; pages that are private cannot be crawled.

Get and pass CSRF token using python requests library

import sys
import requests
URL = ''
client = requests.session()

# Retrieve the CSRF token first
client.get(URL)  # sets cookie
if 'csrftoken' in client.cookies:
    # Django 1.6 and up
    csrftoken = client.cookies['csrftoken']
    # older versions
    csrftoken = client.cookies['csrf']

# Pass CSRF token both in login parameters (csrfmiddlewaretoken)
# and in the session cookies (csrf in client.cookies)
login_data = dict(username=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD, csrfmiddlewaretoken=csrftoken, next='/')
r =, data=login_data, headers=dict(Referer=URL))
Challenge Development

Business directory simple scraper (python) at pythonanywhere

business directoryMy goal was to retrieve data from a web business directory.

Since the business directories scrape is the most challenging task (beside SERP scrape) there are some basic questions for me to answer:

  1. Is there any scrape protection set at that site?
  2. How much data is in that web business directory?
  3. What kind of queries can I run to find all the directory’s items?
Challenge Development

Scraping a Javascript-dependent website with puppeteer

Support us by purchasing the book (under $5) on this topic.

In today’s web 2.0 many business websites utilize JavaScript to protect their content from web scraping or any other undesired bot visits. In this article we share with you the theory and practical fulfillment of how to scrape js-dependent/js-protected websites.


JAVA library to scrape Linkedin & its data affiliates

In this post we want to share with you a new useful JAVA library that helps to crawl and scrape Linkedin companies. Get business directories scraped!

If you are considering the Linkedin data scrape legal issues, please refer to the following post: Linkedin lost in court to data analytic company that scrapes Linkedin’s public profiles info

Scrape a JS Lazy load page by Python requests

The JS loading page is usually scraped by Selenium or another browser emulator. Yet, for a certain shopping website we’ve
found a way to perform a pure Python requests scrape.


Bulk db prepared insert with rollback even if 1 record fails, PHP

Recently I needed to make a bulk insert into db with   prepared statement query. The task was to do it so that if one record failed one can rollback all records and return an error. That way no data is affected by faulty code and/or wrong data provided.


Problem scraping javascript site – help needed


I am trying to scrape the page and I have installed the docker and followed all the required steps given in the post. Splash works well, but the spyder does not and I don’t know why. The IP of the splash_url is correct but I can’t see in the response object when I write scrapy shell “webpage” the complete page, ie, the page has not rendered correctly.


Scrape text, parse it with BeautifulSoup and save it as Pandas data frame

We want to share with you how to scrape text and store it as Pandas data frame using BeautifulSoup (Python). The code below works to store html li items in the ‘engine, ‘trans’, ‘colour’ and ‘interior’ columns.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import requests

main_url = ""

def getAndParseURL(url):
    result = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(result.text, 'html.parser')

soup = getAndParseURL(main_url) 
ul ='ul[class="list-inline lot-breakdown-list"] li', recursive=True)
lis_e = []
for li in ul:
    lis = []


scraped_data = pd.DataFrame({'engine': engine, 
'transmission': trans, 'colour': colour,
'interior': interior})
By default, Beautiful Soup searches through all of the child elements. So, setting recursive = False (line 13) will restrict the search to the first found element and its child only.

The code was provided by Ahmed Soliman.