Data Mining

Big Data Basics

Power of Big Data: capabilities and perspectives

As everyone knows, technological development is evolving flash like. At the same time software requirements, approaches and algorithms are growing with equal speed.  In particular, relatively recently, developers have faced the problem of huge data volume processing – making it necessary to create a new, effective approach, a new paradigm of data storage. The solution was not long in coming – in 2011 huge companies all over the world started using the Big Data concept. In this article we will talk about this engaging approach.


SQL-injection: how to use them and how to defend against them

sql-injection-logoSQL (Structured Query Language) is a powerful language for working with relational databases, but quite a few people are in fact ignorant of the dark side of this language, which is called SQL-injection. Anyone who knows this language well enough can extract the needed data from your site by means of SQL – unless developers build defenses against SQL-injection, of course. Let’s discuss how to hack data and how to secure your web resource from these kinds of data leaks!


Web parsing php tools

Almost all developers have faced a parsing data task. Needs can be different –  from a product catalog to parsing stock pricing. Parsing is a very popular direction in back-end development; there are specialists creating quality parsers and scrapers. Besides, this theme is very interesting and appeals to the tastes of everyone who enjoys web. Today we review php tools used in parsing web content.


PHPxcel for importing and exporting data in working with Excel

Sometimes when you are developing a project, it might be necessary to do a parsing of xls documents. To give an example: you do a synchronization between xls worksheets and a website database, and you need to convert xls data to the Mysql and want to do it completely automatically.

If you work with Windows it is simple enough – you just need to use COM objects. However, it is another thing if you work with PHP and need to make it work under the UNIX systems. Fortunately there are many classes and libraries for this purpose. One of them is the class PHPExcel. This library is completely cross-platform, so you will not have problems with portability. 

Development Guest posting

Web Scraping with Java and HtmlUnit

java-htmlunit-post-front-cover-smallWeb scraping or crawling is the act of fetching data from a third party website by downloading and parsing the HTML code to extract the data you want. It can be done manually, but generally this term refers to the automated process of downloading the HTML content of a page, parsing/extracting the data, and saving it into a database for further analysis or use.


Finding duplicate rows in a SQL table and printing out their ids

Today I was trying to find duplicate rows in db table rows, but besides finding them, I needed to get their indexes in order to address them.

Development Guest posting

CaptchaSolutions test results for ReCaptcha v2.0

captchasolutionsRecently we executed the service testing. provides an automated online captcha solver API service (the name speaks for itself). It also includes solving google reCaptcha 2.0. So we decided to test it against this challenging captcha.

If you want to compare the other services’ solving reCaptcha 2.0 test results, then please refer to this post

Prevent automated services from solving captcha?

Question: Is there any way to include captcha on the site and at the same time prevent services like 2captcha from resolving it?

Miscellaneous load test

Recently I got a chance to perform a website load test. Since I run the blog, it’s always useful to check its abilities, load capacity. So, I was offered a free opportunity for a load test by .

Guest posting

Death By Captcha now supporting recaptcha v2

deathbycaptchaThe Death By Captcha developers have just released a beta of their shiny new NoCAPTCHA by token (reCaptcha v2) solving method!
They have been working on this for a while, and they promise the solution will soon be the solving reference for these challenges.