Data Mining Development

Linear models, Sklearn.linear_model, Classification

In this post we’ll show how to build classification linear models using the sklearn.linear.model module.

The code as an IPython notebook

Data Mining

Cross-validation strategies and their application

In the post we’ll get to know the Cross-validation strategies as from the Sklearn module. We’ll show the methods of how to perform  k-fold cross-validation. All the iPython notebook code is correct for Python 3.6.

The iPython notebook code

Data Mining Development

Work with inbuilt datasets of Sklearn and Seaborn libraries

In the post we will show how to generate model data and load standard datasets using the sklearn datasets module. We use sklearn.datasets in the Python 3.

The code of an iPython notebook

Data Mining

Linear regression and Stochastic Gradient Descent

In this post we’ll show how to make a linear regression model for a data set and perform a stochastic gradient descent in order to optimize the model parameters. As in a previous post we’ll calculate MSE (Mean squared error) and minimize it.

Data Mining

Linear Regression application for data analysis and scientific computing

In this post we’ll share with you the vivid yet simple application of the Linear regression methods. We’ll be using the example of predicting a person’s height based on their weight. There you’ll see what kind of math is behind this. We will also introduce you to the basic Python libraries needed to work in the Data Analysis.

The iPython notebook code

Data Mining

Weibull distribution & sample averages approximation using Python and scipy

In this post we share how to plot distribution histogram for the Weibull ditribution and the distribution of sample averages as approximated by the Normal (Gaussian) distribution. We’ll show how the approximation accuracy changes with samples volume increase.

One may get the full .ipynb file here.

Data Mining

Simple text analysis with Python

Finding the most similar sentence(s) to a given sentence in a text in less than 40 lines of code 🙂


Get and pass CSRF token using python requests library

import sys
import requests
URL = ''
client = requests.session()

# Retrieve the CSRF token first
client.get(URL)  # sets cookie
if 'csrftoken' in client.cookies:
    # Django 1.6 and up
    csrftoken = client.cookies['csrftoken']
    # older versions
    csrftoken = client.cookies['csrf']

# Pass CSRF token both in login parameters (csrfmiddlewaretoken)
# and in the session cookies (csrf in client.cookies)
login_data = dict(username=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD, csrfmiddlewaretoken=csrftoken, next='/')
r =, data=login_data, headers=dict(Referer=URL))

Scrape a JS Lazy load page by Python requests

The JS loading page is usually scraped by Selenium or another browser emulator. Yet, for a certain shopping website we’ve
found a way to perform a pure Python requests scrape.


Scrape text, parse it with BeautifulSoup and save it as Pandas data frame

We want to share with you how to scrape text and store it as Pandas data frame using BeautifulSoup (Python). The code below works to store html li items in the ‘engine, ‘trans’, ‘colour’ and ‘interior’ columns.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import requests

main_url = ""

def getAndParseURL(url):
    result = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(result.text, 'html.parser')

soup = getAndParseURL(main_url) 
ul ='ul[class="list-inline lot-breakdown-list"] li', recursive=True)
lis_e = []
for li in ul:
    lis = []


scraped_data = pd.DataFrame({'engine': engine, 
'transmission': trans, 'colour': colour,
'interior': interior})
By default, Beautiful Soup searches through all of the child elements. So, setting recursive = False (line 13) will restrict the search to the first found element and its child only.

The code was provided by Ahmed Soliman.